Terms & Conditions

Personal Trainer Liability Waiver

Agreement Between Trainer and Client

This Liability Waiver (“Agreement”) is entered into between Hall Motivational (referred to as the “Trainer”) and Client Name (referred to as the “Client”). By participating in remote training sessions with Coach Samuel Hall, the Client acknowledges and agrees to the terms outlined below.

Assumption of Risks

  1. The Client understands that physical exercise and training activities involve inherent risks, including but not limited to:Muscle strain
    Other injuries
  2. The Client voluntarily assumes all risks associated with participating in the training program.

Medical Clearance

  1. The Client confirms that they are in good health and have consulted with a physician before starting any exercise program.
  2. The Client agrees to disclose any medical conditions, limitations, or injuries that may affect their ability to participate in training sessions.

Emergency Medical Treatment

  1. In the event of an emergency during a remote training session, the Trainer will seek medical assistance promptly.
  2. The Client authorizes the Trainer to take necessary actions for emergency medical treatment.

Release of Liability

  1. The Client releases the Trainer, Coach Samuel Hall, and their representatives from any claims, demands, or causes of action arising from participation in the exercise program.
  2. The Client acknowledges that they are participating voluntarily and at their own risk.

Agreement and Signature

By signing below, the Client acknowledges that they have read and understood this Liability Waiver and agree to its terms.